Science and reason – Video art by Pipilotti Rist

 Still from "Ever is Over All" (1997)

1. Define the 17th century 'Scientific Revolution', and say how it changed European thought and world view. 

The 17th centry 'Scientific Revolution' is the period of advances in science that was at its height in the 17th century and produced widespread change in traditional beliefs held since the Middle Ages (MSN Dictionary). The Science Revolution in natural science and technological changing brought up gradually change to European thoughts and the world view. It is the most important Revolution to make the modern world that has resulted dramatic changing in the human experience of every other aspect of life, both for individuals and groups. These changes greatly changed the human experience of every other aspect of life, whether individuals or groups. According to J.P.SOMMERVILLE*, it was during the 1600s that Galileo and Newton founded modern science; that Descartes began modern philosophy; that Hugo Grotius initiated international law; and that Thomas Hobbes and John Locke started modern political theory. In the same century strong centralized European states entered into worldwide international competition for wealth and power and accelerating the pace of colonization in America and Asia.


2. Give examples of how we can we still see evidence of the 'Scientific Revolution' in the world today.

Today, many people are giving the best value to science and they connect all the facts to science for trying to prove. Humans itself dissect through the scientific way and forward Humans exists as scientific evidence to be infinitely explored. It is against a theology. In addition, living area of human being to wide, they are realizing the dream of people with scientific evidence. I think a human in the space is an evidence of the 'Scientific Revolution' in the world today.

Research Pipilotti Rist's video installations to answer the following;

3. From your research, do you think that the contemporary art world values art work that uses new media/technology over traditional media?

I think using new media/technology on “the contemporary art world” is recognized of high value over traditional media which unilaterally provide information to the demander as a supplier. It is a new world that anyone can do art work, connecting with a computer and communication technology. Most of art has been integrated to image in new media and audiences easily are accessible to art work that has been supplied to an audience. Like this artist or art supplier and an audience have interacted on the internet at the contemporary art world. The art has been changed into a different form of art; in the future it will probably exceed our imagination and expectations.

4. How has Pipilotti Rist used new media/technology to enhance the audience's experience of her work?

Pipilotti Rist has used the type of music video which is popular to an audience. Her work style is using a big scale project under new skills. She reproduced science technology to the new code of culture industry within art. She broke down the usual concept framework without hesitation, there are intense colours, that destroy nature, shocking videos and a huge scale. ‘On Pour Your Body Out’, she supplied the audience to direct interaction with her work by looking at the sitting or walking on her art work. 

5. Comment on how the installation, sound and scale of 'Ever is Over All' (1997) could impact on the audience's experience of the work.

'Ever is Over All' (1997) has envelop a view in two slow-motion projects. Pipilotti Rist takes out the audience's concentration through combination of each other conflicting image for her work. She positively describes the negative aspects of her experience by using romantic music. There are realistic senses with the combination of violent urban fantasy and destructive sounds (the collection).

6. Comment on the notion of 'reason' within the content of the video. Is the woman's behavior reasonable or unreasonable?

'Ever is Over All' (1997), a young woman in a light blue dress merrily walks along the street with a huge, colorful, long-stemmed tropical flower in her hand. She smashes the flower into the windows of parked cars as she passes them. The combination of violent urban fantasy, romantic music, and destructive sound suggests the birth of a sophisticated visual language, expressing the direct, realistic senses of the MTV generation (Media Art Net). I think the women’s behavior is reasonable because Rist’s art is the line between fantasy and reality. She wants to make the audience to attend into tension by this whimsical and anarchistic scene. I think a lot of people suppress violence behind peaceful faces against the society and have proxy contentment on existent duality.

7. Comment on your 'reading' (understanding) of the work by discussion the aesthetic (look), experience and the ideologies (ideas, theories) of the work.

I think all of the best understanding of the art work is done through the direct experience. In this task, I understand the historic background for the theory and the advantage of new media but like the large-scale of new media art works are a bunch to digest. However, from seeing 'Ever is Over All' (1997) of Rist, I felt that her work gave off feelings of relaxation and enchantment and I believe her work points out some of the ideologies behind her work are like Phaidon’s evaluations.  

Media Art Net
The Museum of Modern Art
Department of History University of Wisconsin-Madison

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